Musical Guest

Bobbi Bernstein


Bobbi Bernstein is an accomplished piano player, singer and songwriter.   She came to Meher Baba in 1971 while living in Albany, NY.  Inspired by Darwin and Jeanne Shaw’s sublime meetings, she began setting Tagore poems to music and composing originals.  Bobbi has played keyboards in rock, blues, Latin, New Orleans, and traditional jazz bands.  Each experience has influenced her songwriting for Baba.

Among Bobbi’s catchy tunes are That Extra Mile, Meherabad, Meherazad, Never Give Up, and Dress Your Soul (with Baba)! She has created 3 albums: The Only Real Thing, Dance for Joy, Sounds and Colors from the Heart, and soon to be released, The Beloved is Everywhere.  She is a regular Tuesday night performer at The Meher Spiritual Center, has sung at Baba gatherings nationally, in Meherabad and Meherazad,  and at Avatar’s Abode.  Bobbi is known for her insightful and joyous performances!